Mindfulness for Wellness, Healthy Aging, and Self Compassion 

Mindfulness is a practice and skill that anyone can learn. We used to think as we age that our brains did not grow anymore but with the new discoveries in Neuroplasticity, the brain can rewire itself and grow with new learning.

Mindfulness can be a path of self-discovery, inner freedom and joy by creating new neural-pathways as we train our brains.

I offer mindfulness meditation training for those new to the practice or those who want to deepen or support their current practice.

Self Compassion is an essential ingredient to any mindfulness practice.  I integrate Self compassion exercises, gratitude and skills for dealing with our inner critic in all my classes.


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I also offer classes on the topic of Mindfulness and Aging.

Our later years can be a path of self-discovery, inner freedom, and joy. 

 As Camus so insightfully said, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower”  

Aging brings so many, many challenges, loss of friends, loss of our work roles, loss of our youthful appearances and physical stamina, we might feel like we are no more than a set of symptoms.  

In my classes on this topic, we will look at how we might transition into older age with more acceptance, more moments of grace, more moments of interconnectedness with all of life and discover our “second spring”.


  • Mindfulness individual coaching specifically taylored to your needs.

  • Introduction to mindfulness classes ( 4 weeks to 6 weeks)

  • Mindfulness and Health issues when dealing with chronic illness or pain

  • Mindfulness and Aging classes ( 4 weeks to 6 weeks)

  • How to improve or strengthen your practice.

  • Free community mindfulness groups


For more information on mindfulness and health classes, please sign-up for updates on the latest offerings below.