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Happiness cannot be found through great effort and willpower, but is already present in relaxation and letting go.
— Gendun Rinpoche, Free and Easy: A spontaneous Vajra Song


Dorbea Cary, Certified Mindfulness Teacher, is a seasoned meditator and instructor, facilitating interactive workshops in the Central Valley of California. She received her Teacher Certification from the Mindfulness Training Institute in 2017. In 2019, She completed a year long course, Awake in the Wild on Meditation in Nature.

In the past, she has worked as a trainer, psychotherapist, and a University professor. Her area of interests include teaching mindfulness/meditation classes for health and wellness, including mindfulness in nature, self compassion and on aging gracefully.

She has cultivated her own daily mindfulness practice, facilitates a meditation group and has taught meditation classes at Dignity Health in Stockton, the Yoga Center and for Delta College, Stockton Institute for Continued Learning.
