Relaxing Into Presence
Relaxing Into Presence
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher • Certified Meditation Trainer • Meditation Retreats

Learn how practicing mindfulness meditation in daily life can help you

cultivate happiness, find connection, and bring peace.

Hello friends! Please join me to learn techniques on how to calm the mind, open the heart and connect with nature.
To learn more about beginning mindfulness courses and day long nature retreats, kindly connect with me below.


Upcoming Events

RELAXING INTO PRESENCE is being ALIVE to what is happening in this moment.
— Dorbea Cary

We don't need to do anything! This moment is already available if we let go and relax into it.

Many of us don’t allow ourselves to be relaxed!  We are constantly on the go. Often, we make ourselves busy in the hopes of having happiness in the future or our minds are caught up in rehashing a past event.

Meditation offers us the opportunity to stop running and to invest one hundred percent into the present moment. Happiness is available right now!

In my classes, I will teach you the skills of mindfulness and how to apply it to your daily life.  Mindfulness is a skill/psychology that anyone can learn. These classes are appropriate for anyone new to meditation or for meditators who wish to strengthen and grow their practice. 


Practical Benefits to Learning Mindfulness:

  • Improves the ability to focus, concentrate and pay attention whether 5 or 95.

  • Builds resilience and bounce back from adversity.

  • Supports well-being and happiness in relationships.

  • Cultivates altruism, self-compassion, and joy.

  • Changes structures in the brain associated with learning, empathy, self-awareness, and body awareness.

  • Helps us to regulate emotions and reduce habits of reactivity.

Mindfulness Matters.

I was lucky to grow up in a family where we spent our summers traversing the national parks, camping, and hiking.

I soon noticed the benefits of being in the outdoors; slowing down, and listening to the birds, the wind in the trees and the babbling brook on the trail.  

In nature we can connect with ourselves and the natural world and develop calmness, clarity, and empathy. 

Most Americans spend 93% of their time either indoors or in a vehicle and only about 4 hours a week in the outdoors. 

Turning off our computers & phones and getting into the natural environment recovers mental fatigue, rests our minds, improves our mood and increases our vitality.

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​I lead both individual and group sessions of meditation in nature including day-long and half-day retreats.

​I also ​offer a free mindfulness in nature group at the In Season Market and Nursery on Sunday mornings.  

For more information on mindfulness in nature classes and groups
please contact Dorbea